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MJF dollars : 341169
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Bài gửiTiêu đề: [IMPORTANT] MICHAEL CÒN SỐNG!   [IMPORTANT]  MICHAEL CÒN SỐNG! Icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2009 8:36 am

Theo như ông anh '' già'' iu wau Guitarrocker kiếm được 1 trang web mới cực hay nhưng mà xin lỗi bà con cô bác tui ngu tiếng anh nên hỉu hỉu được có 1 xí! Tui gửi lên cho mọi nươời xăm xoi mỉa mói!
The Author and Contributor of the following post is the member of this site called He.Is. Alive. We would like to share your observations and insights with everyone.

Having read numerous entries on this website, as well as examined and considered the contents of them, I have developed the following theory about Jackson’s “death” and escape, one I deem most factual and plausible:

The real Michael Jackson never showed up at that rehearsal the night before his “death” at Staples Center, the dark video footage that has surfaced showing him chewing gum is NOT the real Michael Jackson, no, but instead, he sent one of his doubles to the rehearsal to just “show up” there for a few minutes. Since the video has been proven a fake by an expert and said to be photoshop “fixed”, we have no proof whatsoever at all that the real Michael Jackson attended the rehearsal at all, but a gum chewing lookalike did instead. Hence: it is safe to assume that the real Michael Jackson made off to a waiting plane and left forevermore goodbye, in all probability so. New information of his secret “departure” from LAX in an unmarked Lear Jet has surfaced, it bears credibility and logic.

Meanwhile, back at the mansion, the lookalike decoy was being readied and prepared for the “cardiac arrest” show and the ball began rolling with the 911 call where the caller should have, but did not say “This is Michael Jackson’s residence and Mr. Jackson needs immediate help, please hurry” but instead, very controlled and unemotionally spoke of a “Gentleman” who was “not breathing” ???? All the while the REAL Michael Jackson was long gone to whereever and this explains why the ambulance “patient” photo does not look like nor could possibly be Michael Jackson, right on down to continuous other suspicious and questionable quirks that kept on popping up from all directions, nothing of which CAN possibly add up because the stage was set otherwise from the very beginning, i.e.: the REAL Michael Jackson was long gone, but back in LA the “Michael Jackson died of cardiac arrest”-show with the decoy went on as planned, although with some leaks and without top notch planning or “rehearsal” and, for that reason, we arrive and continue to come back to the “nothing adds up” theory and hence are continually being served with more emerging questionables and suspicions stemming from the very beginning of this whole saga.
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MJF dollars : 341169
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Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [IMPORTANT] MICHAEL CÒN SỐNG!   [IMPORTANT]  MICHAEL CÒN SỐNG! Icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2009 8:38 am

It is very highly questionable WHY his inner circle close confidantes did not show at the “Memorial” service at Staples: Elizabeth Taylor, Diana Ross, Liza Minelli, Uri Geller and Oprah Winfrey – who scrubbed ALL Michael Jackson data from her website – just to mention these few who come to mind. Why would the Jacksons deny Michael’s beloved friends to attend his “sendoff” ? Instead, an assortment of “fill-ins” showed up, some of which have never even met Michael Jackson and even freely stated so on a popular talkshow, others who had no communication with him personally in years ! Another “staging” ?

Jennifer Hudson’s performance was “backed” by the real Michael Jackson singing, where he, during the spoken monolog of the song she performed, mistakenly substituted the word “PainS” with an S for the original word in the text: “Pain” without an S ! How many viewers noticed this faux pas or …. did not ? Was it a hint, a deliberate “throw it out into the crowd and see who catches it” hint ?

Why did the very particular phrase “I am alive and will live forever” from one of his songs appear in blue lettering at the backwall of the stage at the end of the service ? Why THESE VERY WORDS ? Why not ANY OTHER words, but these one in particular ?
The casket during the Memorial service did not give off one whatsoever SINGLE vibe that it contained the dead body of Michael Jackson, nor any other body at that ! “Vibes” that I experienced over mere TV airwaves viewing the public funeral of former US President Reagan back in 2004 ? Very simply, the golden casket said to bear Michael Jackson’s body was empty and, with helicopters hovering above, very mysteriously disappeared into thin air after the service with the whereabouts of the “body” emerging the latest media spin to keep the public focused on the “death” of Michael Jackson? and the beat goes on …
Are there enough hours in the day to state/document/blog the numerous other pieces of questions/doubt/evidence/observations that keep carving themselves out during this entire madness? Are the questions of Michael Jackson’s staged death and successful escape not higher in number then the facts “confirming” that he really …. “died” ?

Fans around the world held their breath for an image of the “Body” of their idol to appear, so far, of all the media coverage and internet traffic, no such image is available and even if it was, how could it be positively ascertained that the body is in fact Michael Jackson’s ? We will never know, will we ? Bloggers posting doubts and observations, etc. etc. are supporting the remarkable traction this “death” has gained around the internet and, mind you, these facts are never even mentioned by so much as a mere breath by the mainstream media ? Why not ? Since all of them broadcast their news with laptops in front of them, it is not so that they are not aware of it, is it ?

What we do know for absolutely certain is this: somebody/s knows something and their silence/s has been bought for a logically high enough price for the real truth never to be revealed on their part, however, the old theory that the truth is self-evident and always prevails will not ever be compromised, not even by millions of dollars that sealed this deal, why? Simple: there IS a God …

The lyrics of Michael Jackson’s song “Xscape” clearly state what his longtime coming intentions were, intentions that he put into practice with what was in all likelihood
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MJF dollars : 341169
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Tổng số bài gửi Tổng số bài gửi : 581

Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [IMPORTANT] MICHAEL CÒN SỐNG!   [IMPORTANT]  MICHAEL CÒN SỐNG! Icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2009 8:39 am

The lyrics of Michael Jackson’s song “Xscape” clearly state what his longtime coming intentions were, intentions that he put into practice with what was in all likelihood helpfully aided by former wife Lisa Marie Presley who during their marriage learned of his desire to “escape” like her father did and hence “coached” him on how to successfully stage such an event, details to which she is certainly privvy to and hence constitute obvious similarities to Elvis’ staged death and escape, most befitting to that of Michael Jackson’s “death” and “disappearance”: the “cardiac arrest, dead on arrival at the hospital” spin … an airtight scenario where hospital personnel, doctors, emt’s, police officers, security, etc. as well as the coroner and other authorities are judicially prohibited from publicly disclosing any whatsoever information regarding the admittance and aftermath of the patient, all the while the public is being thrown bite sized bones, information that could possibly not be “misconstrued” or “twisted” ?

After Elvis’ disappearance, one of his many personal items missing was t-h-e largest of them all: his personal Airplane ! This plane did not “poof” disappear into thin air if you pardon the punt, ergo: who is to say that the waiting, UNMARKED, ordered by radar/control tower personnel to be “ignored” waiting plane at LAX was for Michael who – emerging fully masked out of a black suv to board the plane – was not that belonging to Elvis Presley ? That it might have been Elvis Presley’s personal plane is the MOST plausible explanation because it stands to reason that Michael Jackson would never ever have to worry or fear means of his “Getaway” becoming exposed or public, because IF it did, Elvis and Michael Jackson both being actually alive would constitute and become international news in a hurry !

The Jacksons as well as the media keep on keeping on floating and spinning clutter “news”, some of it pretty outrageous, but all designed to distract the public from focusing on what is clearly emerging as very much an “OTHER” scenario for this … ‘tragedy’ …..

Critique as well as additional input by other bloggers is most certainly invited, thank you for reading.
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MJF dollars : 341169
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Tổng số bài gửi Tổng số bài gửi : 581

Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [IMPORTANT] MICHAEL CÒN SỐNG!   [IMPORTANT]  MICHAEL CÒN SỐNG! Icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2009 8:42 am

Thui cho tui gửi web chứ gửi hok nổi! Hy vọng mọi người lên tinh thần lên dây cót giống tui đây bi giờ nhá!kaka! My love của tui! Iloveyou
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